CTO Coaching from Experienced CTO

Getting help with problems, being happier and more successful with coaching

You might ask yourself if you need coaching and someone helping you with your role or you may have already decided you want CTO coaching coming here. My coaching will make you happier and more successful with your job. Your job will be less stressful, and you enable others around you to grow. Taken together this will also make your company more successful. Coaching for technical managers makes most sense for VPs of Engineering and CTOs. You might work in a startup and may have been promoted to the role recently or changed to a larger company where you feel out of your waters. Or you have joined a company with lots of technical debt and open bugs. Startups often do not have adequate training for talents, so I have specialized myself in startups and grownups. As everyone else, you might face difficult work relationships, you might need to hire and scale your team, the company grows and there are new tasks, there might be a new investment round coming with due diligence or having been closed.

I can help you with all of these challenges, I have seen them myself and discussed them as a CTO coach with many coachees already.

"I worked with Stephan for over a year. He coached me through a massive growth period of our company, asking the right questions as well as giving constructive advice based on his profound knowledge and experience in the field. He helped me to grow and become the professional I am today. I highly recommend working with him"
Sebastian Galonska, CTO & Co-Founder, Kontist

πŸ’¬ Contact

πŸ’Œ stephan@amazingcto.com

How can I help?

  • Talk to someone with the same background, who understands you
  • Make you more successful and happier
  • Master all current and future challenges
  • Bounce ideas with an experienced CTO
  • Master difficult situations
  • Discuss technology and architecture decisions
CTO Coach Stephan Schmidt
"Stephan has a very quick grasp and a wealth of experience which he can call upon as appropriate advice. I find his competence in helping through self-reflection most helpful."
Mladen Miljic, CTO

Why you want to work with Stephan

As a CTO, Interim CTO, CTO Coach - and developer - I have seen many technology departments in fast-growing startups. As a kid I taught himself coding in a department store around 1981 because I wanted to write video games and later studied computer science with distributed systems and artificial intelligence. When the internet came to Germany in the 90s I’ve worked as the first coder in several startups and soon became a technical manager. I have founded a VC funded startup, worked in VC funded, fast-growing startups with architecture, processes and growth challenges, worked as a manager for ImmoScout and as a CTO of an eBay Inc. company.

This gives me more than 40 years of coding experience and more than 25 years of experience as a technical manager.

I have seen many different setups and solved many challenges for myself or helped coachees help solve theirs. As a CTO I have developed direct reports and helped them develop and prosper. I love helping people grow, and I’m a strong advocate for diversity.

You can find me on LinkedIn or on Twitter @Ki

πŸ‘ Take action today! Free call let’s talk!

If you're a CTO, VP Engineering or Head of Development I want to hear from you: Book a free video chat with Stephan to find out about CTO coaching or ask any questions you have. Just drop me an email at stephan@amazingcto.com or on LinkedIn.

πŸ’¬ Contact

πŸ’Œ stephan@amazingcto.com

What is CTO Coaching?

With most coachees coaching sessions are one or two hours every second week. In very demanding situations coaching is every week. In the beginning we focus on current problems and challenges. Coaching gives different viewpoints, solutions I have found to problems and different and more options. I bring those topics from the Amazing CTO model to the table that I think help you most. Often we start with a friendly due diligence to see the statups quo. This often gives the coachee many insights early on.

After a phase of consulting we shift more towards coaching focusing on you and find out what you want to do and what makes you shine. It helps tremendously when there is someone with whom you can bounce ideas, get feedback before you roll out ideas and to talk to someone who really understands you.

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Other interesting articles for CTOs

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